

My name’s Chelsey and I’m a creative thinker. Since graduating from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford, I’ve been solving problems — creatively. I’ve worked in a small agency, a big agency and now a tech company with a little freelancing on the side.

Design is my passion. Ever since I was a kid, art has been important to me. I grew up watching my mom paint and being mesmerized. I used to color on the walls so I could be just like her. I’ve grown up a lot in that I don’t draw on the walls anymore. Now I stick to all disciplines of digital media. 

When it came time to declare my major I had a really hard time deciding between design and photography. I ultimately landed on design. Photography will always hold a special place in my heart. There is nothing I love more than grabbing my 35mm (yes, I prefer film) and going on an adventure. There’s something so great about developing film and seeing the moments captured. 

In other non-artsy news, I spend my spare time going for runs, scrolling through Pinterest to find a new vegan meal, or working on my beloved Jeep named Darth.


Get to Know Me Better

Favorite food: Burritos

Favorite designer: Saul Bass

Go to band: Led Zeppelin

Guilty pleasure: Buying new shoes

Where I grew up: Pennsylvania

Favorite design program: Photoshop

Most visited website: Medium

Wine of choice: Merlot

Most likely to: be laughing at something

Favorite song: Lighthouse — The Word Alive

Drink of choice: Grande Nitro Brew from Starbucks

9: The number of Apple products I own